When Life Puts a Lyric In My Heart
© 2023 Jb McNally

The roots of this song started long ago when I was nearing the end of my last semester of college. All kinds of thoughts and questions were running through my head, and it’s the first time in my life I wondered what my place in the world would eventually look like.

I wrote a song simply titled, “Lyric” about all the mixed feelings I had at that time, and happened to dedicate it to a dear friend of mine. (Looking at you, Suebee!)

The song was thoughtful and honest…and it ran a bit long. I only had the opportunity to perform it a couple times, and I figured I’d come back to it one day to tighten it up.

So now, after I’d gone through so many stages of life, I looked back at that song with perspective and gathered those thoughts and questions, and framed them properly.

Part of this comes from Jeannie’s constant reminder to be thoughtful rather than judgmental.

So, this is now a brand new song with brand new lyrics. (Except for maybe one line.) What I wound up with now is more or less a hymn to oneself. Some of the questions have already been answered for me…some repeat themselves often.

Sort of a ‘self-check,’ I suppose.